I nostalgically remember the times when Flash technology was very popular. It was used for creating entire Flash websites, not only specific website objects. I remember spending a lot of time creating various Flash menus, animations and even entire websites from scratch with programs like Swish or Swishmax.
Softhink Flash Menu is a program that partially resembles the previously mentioned applications. It doesn’t allow you to design Flash websites, but it comes with a large number of menu templates and animation effects, and offers you an easy way to customize them.
The interface of Softhink Flash Menu may look hard to use at first sight, but actually, it has an efficient way of arranging its panels.
A thing I didn’t like about this program is that it doesn’t allow you to save your work as a SWF object. You are only enabled to publish the menu directly on your website, which I consider to be a very big drawback.
Softhing Flash Menu is a well designed application to create Flash menus, but if you ask me, I doubt that Flash technology would have the same popularity as four of five years ago.